Want to Work Together?

For Businesses + Advertisers

If you’re a business interested in commissioning a branded podcast series, or an advertiser wishing to sponsor my upcoming or existing series, please reach out via the contact page with some information about your business, budget, etc.

Why Work With Me?

  • Audience demographics: Female, ages 18-34, Canada + USA

  • Top 1% most popular podcasts globally

For Podcast Production Companies/ Employers

If you’re interested in collaborating on a project, please reach out with more information via the contact page.

For Those Seeking Employment Opportunities

All the positions for Violet’s Shadow have now been filled. I will post opportunities for future projects on this page. Followers of my shows will be the first to be notified of any employment opportunities via their podcast feeds and my Instagram.

Future Employment/ Internship Opportunities

If you’re interested in collaborating on future projects (e.g. you’re a composer, voice actor, writer, sound engineer, etc), please reach out via the contact page with your resume and some information about yourself and how you would like to get involved.

Previous Employment Opportunities

  • Illustrator for “Violet’s Shadow” (position filled)

  • Voice Actors: Casting Call for “Violet’s Shadow” (all roles cast)

  • Script Editor for “Violet’s Shadow” (position filled)