Fiction Podcasts

By Greta Craig

About Me

Hi! I’m a writer and independent podcast producer. I’ve been in love with stories (particularly audiobooks) since I was a child, and have been writing since I was first able to string a sentence together. The idea for my first fiction podcast, Confessions of a New Grad, came to me while I was attempting to navigate life as a ‘new grad’ myself. I wrote and narrated the series, taught myself the basics of recording and editing a podcast, and Season 1 premiered in the spring of 2020.

After completing four seasons of that show in 2023, I began working on a new murder mystery fiction podcast series, Violet’s Shadow, which premiered on Feb 3rd, 2025. I’m so excited for this 9 episode series as it marks my directorial debut and features a full cast of voice actors. You can find out more about it here or listen on your preferred podcast app here.

If you’re a listener, advertiser, or interested in working on my future projects, please feel free to get in touch via my contact page or send me a message on Instagram.